
Whether you’re willing to seize new opportunities, optimize your current set-up or implement circular practices: we’re here to help!


If you’re seeking to introduce a new product category, expand into new markets, or realign your product offering with fleeting consumer needs:

  • •Assess brand equity and points of distinction vs competition

    •Categorize existing consumers profiles

    •Identify market drivers, key styles & concepts, upcoming trends

    •Analyze current price points & price elasticity

    •Determine relevant target consumers and corresponding distribution

    •Offer new program recommendations including design inspiration, line planning options, assortment breakdown by style, 3 years product roadmap

    •Specify range requirements (depth, SKU count, segmentation)

    •Recommend strategic pricing architecture


If you’re seeking to maximise revenues with current lines, set-up and distribution:

  • •Review current sell-in/ sell-through data, along with KPIs at category and SKU level (style productivity, SKU efficiency…), to optimize portfolio

    •Analyse market trends, competitor dynamics and consumers drivers

    •Review existing lines and identify product gaps / missed opportunities

    •Recommend ad hoc assortment strategy (depth, flow, segmentation, differentiation), franchise management and channel differentiation

    •Suggest category lifecycle management, including incubation tactics, sku rationalization, and phase out recommendations

    •Recommend category wholesale and retail pricing to achieve margin goals

    •Provide data driven takeaways at the category level

    •Ensure the consistency of brand style and philosophy in the product offering


If you’re seeking to strengthen your sustainability credentials, anticipate legislation, recruit new consumers, differentiate from competition, build resilience, retain talents:

  • •Define a circular path aligned with your brand values and capabilities

    •Research the organization, conduct focus groups and interviews, facilitate workshops with clients, employees and management

    •Identify relevant touchpoints with consumers

    •Determine a suitable angle for brand narrative

    •Benchmark industry players (direct & indirect)

    •Train sourcing, design, merchandising & product teams

    •Explore alternatives to fossil materials & chemical dyes

    •Roll out tactics to reduce Scope 3 emissions

    •Investigate regenerative options

    •Calibrate margin thresholds with CFO

    •Investigate llifecycle extension options (durability, repairability, recommerce, end of life management)

    •Develop a timebound plan to implement strategic recommendations

    •Adjust initiatives to talent, processes and technology requirements to align all stakeholders to corporate vision.

Schedule a discovery call

Determine how kyosei can help you advance against one of the 3 goals above: